Very few people like corporate speak. Yet, it’s still used. A lot.

Lift set out to find out why. To do that, we:

  • Conducted an online survey in late 2014 (Thank you to everyone who participated!)
  • Reviewed our notes from several years of client interactions
  • Talked to communications peers and company leaders (Thank you for the candor!)
  • Studied the results of other research

We dissected and distilled that information and data to offer a clear picture of the effect of corporate speak in B2E (business-to-employee) communication.

The report also offers insights into how to break the habit of using corporate speak instead of using clear and empathetic language and tone in B2E communication.

There is also a great (meaning bad) example of corporate speak in an email Microsoft sent to its employees. Keep it close at hand to know what not to do.


Leaders, internal communication producers and anyone with influence over B2E communication will find value in this report.


Enter your email address for the link to download your report.

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